The girl with the dragon tattoo

I love reading!  Last week one of my co-workers lent me…

It took me a few nights to get into it, but this weekend I was finally able to sit down and read…and now I can’t put it down!  The story and suspense have totally captured me – so much so that I was trying to solve the mystery in my sleep last night!  I am hoping to finish the book tonight or tomorrow so that I can go see the movie while it is still in theaters. 

If you enjoy suspenseful, intriguing, mysteries I would definitely recommend reading The girl with the dragon tattoo.  I had been warned that it is at times quite violent & graphic, but so far it is very comparable to some of the James Patterson books that I have read and loved.

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2 Responses to The girl with the dragon tattoo

  1. Shannon says:

    Adam read the book and loved it. I didn’t and just saw the movie. The movie was REALLY good, but those graphic parts you mentioned in the book are just that graphic in the movie. It was quite disturbing….

    • Katie Cherry says:

      I can imagine! The book is almost 600 pages and I read it in a week. The suspense kept me intrigued but due to some of the events I had to finish the book because I was so freaked out! I am going to start the next book in the series this weekend.

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